Monday, October 3, 2016

Cienega Springs & Armijo Trail

I'm a little behind on my posts, so this was actually from early September.  This was a hike that we tried to do earlier in the summer but it was closed due to forest fires, so luckily this time we found the gates open!  There actually was a spring involved, although not too impressive, but enough for Bailey to wade around in and cool off a little so she was happy :)  They do a lot of selective clearing within forests in this part of the country, apparently to control/prevent fires.  Some of the workers started making these cone things several decades ago when they do the clearing, so there's a bunch of these cute little tee-pees along this particular trail.

This trail was a nice combination of sun and shade, hills and flat, and woods vs open views.

And we found a Georgia Tech caterpillar, so it was a good day :)

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