Thursday, October 13, 2016

Jenny's Visit!

Josh's mom came to visit at the end of September so we got to show off our new home and city to her!  We did a little hiking and plenty of eating and she and Josh got to explore some parts of town that we hadn't been yet.  Bailey was very happy to see a familiar face...

One night we took the tram up to the top of the mountain to have dinner.

We had some beautiful views of the changing fall colors on the ride up!

We were hoping for a nice sunset, but unfortunately we had a freak rainstorm that actually came from the west and moved over the city and into the east mountains.  This is something that usually NEVER happens!  The rain comes in from the east and usually gets stuck in the mountains, which is part of why  it's so dry in the city.  So no great sunset but luckily we got up to the top before the rain so we were able to enjoy the views before eating dinner.

And here's a nice eerie picture of the city on our way back down...

We took Jenny on one of our go-to hikes (because it's never crowded and remote enough to let the dogs run around) on her first day here.  The altitude change was a bit of a struggle, but Jenny was a trooper and I think she enjoyed the scenery!

And even though we didn't get a great sunset from the mountain top, we're lucky enough to have some beautiful views of the sunsets out our front door from time to time!

More of Jenny's visit coming soon!

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