Monday, October 3, 2016

Biking on Bear Scat

After biking in Breckenridge, Josh got really excited about getting back into mountain biking.  Jenny was nice enough to let him have his birthday present early, so a few weeks ago we got an enormous box delivered with his beautiful new bike!  And I was the lucky recipient of his hand-me-down bike, which actually fits me really well and was kind of too small for Josh :)

We decided to try out a trail that we had hiked before (Bear Scat Trail) because we thought it was pretty easy and it's remote enough that we can have the dogs off leash to run along with us.  Addie and I used to do a 12 mile ride about once a week when we lived in Augusta, back in our younger days, so she hadn't been biking since then.  We weren't sure how Bailey would do and were a little worried because when we're in the car and she sees a bike she has a tendency to FREAK OUT and bark and lunge at the window.  But we decided it would be good exercise for them so we brought them along anyway...

Luckily it all worked out pretty well!  The trail turned out to be A LOT harder on bikes than it is on foot, and when we looked it up later we discovered it was a black diamond in the biking world.  But we survived and it was a really fun time!  And even Bailey behaved well once she figured out that this meant that she got to run run run run run, her favorite thing to do in life.  Needless to say we had some worn out puppies by the end!

It was a little too rocky for my preference and I'd probably like to try a blue trail next time instead, but we survived relatively unscathed!  And on the way down the mountain we saw some early signs of fall, my favorite time of year :)

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