Thursday, August 4, 2016

Nob Hill turns 100!

Our new neighborhood, Nob Hill, turned 100 years old this summer!  Albuquerque puts on various Summerfests around town, and the Route 66 Summerfest this year was dedicated to the 100 year anniversary.  Route 66, also called Central Avenue as it winds through Albuquerque, is a block and a half from our house, so we decided to check out the sights in our new neighborhood.  There was a lot of good people watching, food trucks, classic cars, and craft booths.  We ended the night with a late dinner at Nob Hill Bar & Grill, which apparently becomes a club after 10:00, so we got to see a lot of UNM students out on the town... and then we felt old so we went home and went to sleep. :)

The next day, we got another special treat... it rained!  Actual real rain, not a just a few drops!  Apparently we are at the beginning of monsoon season here in Albuquerque, so this should be a slightly more regular occurrence.  I have to say that I'm excited because I do enjoy a good thunderstorm (although only when I can watch it from the comfort of my home and my athleisure wear).

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