Saturday, August 6, 2016

Hike #5: Coyote Trail

Another nice hike in the foothills.  This was a shorter hike (~2 hours) and had a lot of more gradual elevation changes and a nice mix of sun and shade.  After Bailey seemed to be suffering from heat exhaustion toward the end of our long hike (Tree Springs) the other day, we decided that it would probably be wise to stick to shorter hikes until the weather gets a little cooler.  Among other symptoms, she kept laying down in every shady spot we got to, and if you've met Bailey you know that this is NOT at all like her!  And I swear we're not terrible doggy parents, we always bring plenty of water for them but the silly dog just doesn't seem to drink enough of it to stay cool!



  1. I love that it is so hot that josh is wearing a camelback without a shirt!

  2. Haha I know, I think he was also trying to get a tan :)
