Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hike #9 (Bear Scat Trail) (aka the last day of #fUNemployment)

The day finally arrived... my state license was finally approved (3 weeks later than anticipated) so I could start work!  To celebrate, we decided to go for a hike (surprising, I know).  This hike had some different scenery than we had seen before, so it was a nice change!  There were tons of wildflowers everywhere, especially sunflowers just growing all over the meadows!


Luckily we didn't run into any snakes or other undesirable critters along the way.  We didn't find the turn-off we were looking for and the signs weren't particularly helpful along the way, so we ended up just doing about 4.5 miles out and back.

It was a nice, relaxing way to spend the morning and keep my mind off of being anxious about my first day!

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