Monday, July 25, 2016

Our humble Adobe abode

Our relocation to Albuquerque not only meant moving our lives 1400 miles, but also involved downsizing from the wonderful 2700 square foot home we were renting in Peachtree Corners to a 900 square foot Adobe home.  It was a challenge to go through our stuff and purge to get ready to move into our new home, but now that we are here I love it and am kind of excited to have less space to keep clean!  There's still no pictures on the walls but here are some photos:

The front with its "zero-scaping" (aka a yard you don't have to take care of or water at all):

Some of the plant life that's part of our landscaping:

The family room (with our new grown up couch!):

Dining room:


Guest bedroom all ready and waiting for visitors!

Master bedroom:

Awesome back yard, all fenced in!  The dogs love it!

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