Monday, July 25, 2016

First week's sampling of restaurants and breweries

Since all of our stuff was in boxes for the first few days and the house was in general disarray, it was a great excuse to try out some of the many restaurants and breweries that are walk-able from our new  home!  The first day we went to Whole Foods to grab a few snacks and some lunch from their salad bar.  This is the view from the parking lot (don't be too jealous):

This picture is from Kaktus Brewery, which has a fantastic roof top deck and a great selection of sausage made of local meats including elk, wild boar, and duck.  Who knew there were elk in New Mexico?

I got a chance to show off my awesome southwestern style necklace (thanks Robin!) when we tried Zacatecas Tacos and Tequila.  They had some great, traditional style tacos with lots of local flavor (red and green chili) and the margaritas were pretty delicious too!


We also got to check out Tractor Brewing.  Sadly my favorite part was probably the t-shirts (they had some pretty funny ones), but Josh enjoyed the beer and it had a nice atmosphere so we may have to visit again.

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