Sunday, January 22, 2017

Skiing Adventures

Who knew that it snows so much in a desert state?  We've had a decent amount of snow in the Sandia Mountains just east of Albuquerque, but haven't tried the ski area up there yet (it's on the to do list though!).  We went to Santa Fe on my day off a few weeks ago, which is only about 2 hours from leaving our house to getting parked and on the lift.

The visibility was really limited for most of the day because it started snowing pretty heavily and I was finally convinced that I needed to invest in some goggles!  Somehow I always think I look weird when we take skiing selfies...

Here's an artsy snow pic:

Last weekend we went to Taos for the weekend with our friends Megan and Rami.  This is the sign you see at the bottom of the main lift from the base as you look up a super steep mountain...

Megan, Rami, and Josh are all much better at snow sports than me (they all do snowboarding and I ski, but either way they are faster and more coordinated), so I did a few greens by myself.  I think that, as shameful as it may be, my favorite runs are still the greens.  I like the roads (unless they're completely flat) because I can get going a little faster without being too scared.

The group did put up with my slowness for a few runs though!  Here's a good picture of Josh and I near the top.

And another awkward selfie (with my new goggles, that I was happy to have because it snowed our second day in Taos!)...

There was a really pretty half frozen waterfall that you could see a lot better from one of the lifts.  This picture really doesn't do it justice, but taking your phone out on the lift to try to take a picture is a little scary, so this is the best we could get.

A few more of the beautiful mountains and the quaint little Taos Ski Valley village...

PS- Extra points if you can tell which photos were taken with iPhone 6s and which were taken with Google Pixel!

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