Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Hanukkah and Christmas in Albuquerque

Jenny came to visit for Christmas and on her first night in town, we enjoyed our annual treat of snow crabs from one of her old partners from work.  As you can see, Bailey was pretty interested in getting a taste too...


The next day we visited Santa Fe, where they had just gotten their first (little bit of) snow of the year.

We also celebrated the first night of Hanukkah with latkes!  I don't know if I've ever made them on my own before, and let's just say I definitely understand why my dad always wants to make them outside... that oil and fried onion smell stuck around for days!

We made another big feast for Christmas, including fried turkey and pretty much the same menu as Thanksgiving.  No pictures of the food, but here's a good on of Josh and Jenny with the tree.

The east side of the Sandias get a lot of snow and there's a "snow play" area with hills for sledding and a big parking lot to run around in.  Jenny got the doggies some new jackets for Hanukkah/Christmas, so we decided to take them up there to try them out and play in the snow!

They were definitely happy to have their coats, but Bailey's feet still got cold and uncomfortable, so Josh had to give her poor paws a break for a while :)

It was really pretty and a lot of fun!  Next time we'll have to get some doggie booties or paw wax to help with the cold and we also want to see if Bailey will pull us on a sled.  Iditarod, here we come!

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