Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trial Turkey Frying and Halloween

For the past few years we have been deep frying turkeys for Thanksgiving in the GA mountains.  This year, my parents and Aaron and Ashley are making their way to Albuquerque, so we'll be carrying on the tradition here!  So for Josh's birthday, my parents got him a deep frying set up and we decided to do a trial run to make sure that the altitude difference doesn't change things too much.  Bailey was very interested in helping with the turkey...

We learned a few tricks to change for the brine, but the turkey turned out golden and delicious!

We also made a bloomin' onion just for fun :)

The leftover fried turkey was a hit for the Halloween potluck and my office did a "superheroes and villains" theme, which all the kiddos loved.  The one on the far right is my boss dressed as Iron Man (it's hard to see in this picture but he has a glowing circle under his shirt).

And at home we got dressed up and ready to hand out candy.  I was Captain America from my work costume, and everyone else went with their go-to costumes of Minnie Mouse, Batman, and Robin.

Sadly we did not have many trick-or-treaters, but we still had a good time hanging out on the driveway with the dogs and talking with the neighbors.  Also, Addie and Bailey are both possessed by demons, as you can see from their eyes in these pictures.

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