Saturday, November 12, 2016

Maize Maze

Fall is my favorite season, and I was a little worried that I wouldn't get the experiences I was used to here in the southwest.  Luckily we've spent enough time in the mountains to see a lot of fall colors, and the weather is finally starting to get cooler too.  And of course I've gotten to enjoy some pumpkin spice lattes, a crucial part of the fall season regardless of where you live :)  I dragged Josh to a maize maze a few weekends ago, and while I admit that it was a little underwhelming, I'm still glad we went.  The "maize" is not actually a corn field, but still very pretty.

They do a scavenger hunt each year, and this year the theme was colors.  So we learned about things like what types of plants were commonly used by local Native Americans for dyes, why flamingos are pink, and why barns are painted red...

It's definitely more geared toward families with children, but it's always nice spending time outside on a beautiful day!

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