Friday, February 17, 2017

Snowshoeing Fail

Since we enjoyed hiking in the Sandia Mountains during the summer and fall, Josh and I figured we'd give it a try during the winter and go snowshoeing.  We rented some snowshoes from a local store and headed up the road into the east mountains.

Once we got there, we had to get the dogs' paws all waxed up to protect them from freezing and get their jackets on.  Then we had to get our snowshoes strapped on.  Oh, and did I mention it was 8 degrees with 30 mile an hour winds up there?

So once we were all geared up, we finally set off across the beautiful snowy landscape.  Bailey, as usual, had a blast.  Addie was, as  usual, not so sure about the cold.

Ultimately, our trek only lasted about 10 minutes because we could never regain the feeling in our fingers after getting all ready to go!  I think next time we will have to try it when it's not so cold!

Ultimately we decided to make the most of our day and stopped at a sledding area further down the mountain where we were protected from the wind and it was a balmy 14 degrees.

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