Monday, December 19, 2016

Eating and Drinking Our Way Through Nob Hill

WARNING: you are about to get very hungry (and also maybe thirsty).

Unfortunately my parents had to leave on Friday afternoon after Thanksgiving, but Aaron and Ashley stuck around for the weekend.  Friday night we took them to one of our favorite New Mexican restaurants, Matanza, that also is conveniently located less than 5 minutes' walk from our house.

Aaron thought the chile rellenos were pretty spicy...

Albuquerque also has a TON of local microbreweries and apparently is trying to get on the map as a destination for great local beer.  I've never really liked beer but have been trying to become more of a beer drinker recently because there are so many fun breweries around.  So we took advantage of having Aaron and Ashley's beer expertise (Josh is a beer expert but only about IPAs, which I definitely do not like) and tried some beers at Tractor Brewing Co (#getplowed).

Apparently I enjoy Scottish ales and brown ales.  Who knew?!  The next day we took them to the Bloody Mary bar that we discovered when Jenny was in town.  That weekend that had added oysters to the spread!

After going for a walk, watching some football, and napping, we were thirsty again, so we went to another close by brewery for a tasting.  I liked the Scottish ale at Bosque Brewing too...

And here's some evidence that we did do a little walking around that did not involve eating and drinking :)

Aaron says "go lobos!"

And earlier in the week, Dad found the tractor outside of Tractor Brewing and had to try it out...

It was great having family visit and showing them why we are having so much fun here in Albuquerque!  Happy fall, y'all!

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