Wednesday, January 10, 2018

I "ran" a 5K and went to a parade!

Somehow my ridiculously athletic friend, Megan, convinced me that I could be a runner, even though my whole life I have been decidedly NOT good at running.  But I decided to give it a shot, and, after working through a lot of pain and frustration, I actually surprised myself!  I was able to run probably about 2 out of 3.1 miles of the Duke City 5K, and most importantly I finished (and the ambulance behind us wasn't even for me!)!

In the beginning of November I went to the Dia de Los Muertos Marigold Parade with some friends from my old job.

Lots of cool culture and costumes!  Lindsey has perfected her sugar skull makeup game over the years... mine needs some work for next ear but I'd say it's not bad for my first try!

And Frankie was a little too young to be super impressed... maybe next year!

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