Saturday, February 17, 2018

Christmas in Taos

For Christmas, Jenny came to visit and we all took a trip up to Taos to ski and spend the long weekend.  Even though it's been a bad year for snow here in New Mexico, we had a good time on the few slopes that were open, and Jenny had a chance to get back on skis after about 6 years off!

We saw a family of deer on our way up the ski lift one morning!

And had a delicious dinner (and no prep or dishes!) on Christmas day at The Bavarian.

Sunday, February 11, 2018


Unfortunately we weren't able to go back to GA for Thanksgiving this year and didn't have any family in town, so we had a Friendsgiving gathering at our house instead with some local friends who were in the same boat.  We continued our tradition of frying a turkey (which Bailey was obviousy very interested in...)

It was a fun time with great weather, great friends, and a delicious spread!